
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/05/04 22:23:29


Many years ago,the tiger has one pair of cousins Kingdom,each equipped with special capabilities.My brother has a telescope to see the very small things from afar,and my sister has one pair of ears.to hear the voices of extremely small.Children who grow up together happily together grief.leisure time.They always went to the hill after hill,brother overlooks the distant country thousands of miles away.sister artifacts in various shapes in front of where things.Sister listened to the message sent breeze,and when my brother came to the church to sing with an angel's voice from afar.Perhaps the reason is a long time together,falling in love with each other.Although they are not allowed to know this love,but they are unable to control their own.They cast aside all restraints and began to enjoy regardless of all love.However,the fire can not be wrapped up in paper,after all,their relationship was discovered.Extremely angry father,the mother with tears decorator,the two neighbors to a lot of finger-pointing,they went all out to prove the innocence of each other's feelings.However,the shackles of moral values,they eventually permitted to have burst.In order to prove that love to each other will remain unchanged till death do us part,Private hemosiderosis brother blinded their eyes,his sister make deaf ears.Why not,just because they think that since denied the blessings that have this ability,what is the use?It is not a happy one of them right.After a long,a parade of musicians to hear a beautiful love story of the 1986 flu action.Mixed,moving him to compose a song by song.Two tigers,two tigers,run fast run faster,no one eye a no ears,really strange really strange .
很久很久以前,在老虎王国有一对兄妹,他们各自身怀特殊的能力.哥哥有着一对千里眼,能够看到极远方的微小事物,妹妹有着一 对顺风耳,能够听到极其细小的声音.他们从小一起长大,一起快乐一起悲伤.闲暇时候,他们总会跑到后山的山丘上,哥哥眺望千里外的遥远国度,对着妹妹述说着那里各种千奇百怪的事物.妹妹聆听微风传来的讯息,对着哥哥吟唱着远方教堂传来的天使般的歌声.或许是长时间在一起的缘故,他们爱上了彼此.虽然他们知道这段爱情是不被允许的,但他们就是无法控制自己.他们抛开了一切束缚,开始不顾一切地享受着爱情.然而,纸终究是包不住火的,两人的关系被发现了.父亲大发雷霆,母亲以泪洗面,街坊邻居对两人指指点点,两人拼命证明对彼此纯真的感情.但是,由于道德观念的枷锁,两人终究不被允许,已经无路可走 了,为了证明对彼此至死不渝的爱,转自铁血,哥哥弄瞎了自己的眼睛,妹妹弄聋了自己的耳朵,不为什么,只因为他们认为,既然得不到众人的祝福,那有这能力又有何用?反正他们两人是得不到幸福的一对.很久很久以后,有个音乐家听到了这个凄美动人的爱情故事,大受感 动.百感交集下,他谱出了一曲感人肺腑的曲子.两只老虎,两只老虎,跑得快 跑得快,一只没有眼睛 一只没有耳朵,真奇怪 真奇怪.

Meet Sandy and Sue!
This is Sue's class.
Her teacher is Mr Crisp.
Mr.Crisp:Which is your pen?
Sue:The red one, sir.
Mr.Crisp:Here you are,Sue.
Sue:Thank you, sir.

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