
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 18:54:10
我想起个英文名Elisa和Anny哪个更好听哪个? 绣球裹边是怎么裹的,绣球里面填充的是什么东西?可以填充香料吗?绣球的面是用什么做的? is 用在什么时态(例:一般将来时,it is a wonderful trip,这是病句吗? 用所给动词的适当的形式填空:(play,dance)He can__the guitar and I can__. Sheis so _____ that she can finish the tast on time A..outstanding B.great C.sincere D.famous She( )very hard so she hasn`t ( )time for hobbies A.worked;got B.works;got C.works;gets Jane worked very-----(hard)last year and this year she works even-----(hard) 怎样进行自我身体状况的评价 Jim likes to piay the guitar.划线部分提问 划线的是The guitar填空 ( )( )of instrument does jim like to play. The work is so hard that it takes me _____ time to finish it.A.too many B.too much C.a few D.a little说明原因喔 the work is so hard that it take me ()time to finish it 怎么快速理解人体结构 一种茶泡的时候像个绣球,泡开了中间会冒出来一朵花 读后感想,300字以内! 如何折八仙花 求10篇60字日记 给我60片300字日记初一的日记,一篇300字,哪位好心的大哥大姐帮帮忙. 人体眼睛的生理结构与其生理功能 下列与世界文学中“四大吝啬鬼”有关的作品、人物、作家、国别,对应全部正确的一组是A.《伪君子》--泼留希金--莫里哀--法国 B.《死魂灵》--达尔丢夫--果戈里--俄国 C.《威尼斯商人》--安 世界文学名著的四大吝啬鬼是哪些,他们分别是哪个作家的哪部作品的哪个人物 人为什么要活着,一个人活着没有追求没有快乐,还要不要继续生活. 人生短暂,如何让自己更加有意义的活着,人的终极追求是什么?已经结婚了,儿子一岁,自从有了小孩以就特别烦恼,跟老婆性格一样,我有点懒,有些事我叫她去做,结果没有做,我吵她,她就问你怎 大家说说对人生的看法,人活着为了什么很喜欢叔本华说的,其实活着并没什么意思,人生在不段的追求生的意义,但是真的有意义吗?1楼强悍 We will do what we can ____ English well this term.A.study B.to study C.be studied D.be studying --we'll do what we can______a good result this term--it's time for you to work hardAget Bto get Cbe got Dbe getting 请求英文作文:if time can turn back,what will you do if time can turn back,what will you do? can的后面不是+动原 We will do what we can _____ English well this term 为什么这个用to stud I have enough food to supply for some time.这句话中supply的用法对不对? We have to be quick.The train starts at 10:35. Don't worry.There is ______ time to go. A some B fewC little D any 讲一下原因 讲清楚一点 复原乳和巴氏奶有什么区别么? 一心向着自己目标前进的人,整个世界都会为他让路.请问高人们详细的见解.谢谢 英语翻译我希望翻译得更好的,不要是The specific objectives of continued progress,the world will give way to him这句!