
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/11 21:11:05
,亲 亲在给解一下第六题好吗 已知方程x2+(2m-3)x+m2-15=0的两个根一个大于-2,一个小于-2,求实数m的取值范围.(与对称轴有关系吗?是不是-2在对称轴左边,所以当x=-2时,y小于0?)请详细作答. 已知方程M2-2M-3 X+ 2M+M-1 Y +6-2M=0 1,求该方程表示一条直线的条件 2 当M为何值时,方程表示的直线斜率不存在?求出这时的直线方程 3 已知方程表示的直线L在X轴上的截距为-3,求实数M的值是=0 五味杂陈 怎么译啊?谢谢:)呵呵呵 就是心理 感觉比较复杂 . 高手给翻一(英译汉)The behaviour of a few AI-Mg alloys (up to 7.1 wt% Mg) has been studied on heating in air at 500C for 8h or more. The precipitation of a spinel phase, MgAl2O4, is found to take place on the surface and along the transver 急!英译汉!帮忙翻下这句话!take my hand , take a breath , pull me close and take one step .keep your eyes lock on mine and let the music be your guide .won't you promise me ? 请帮作者翻一下啊(英译汉)I crossed the line at the Nevada Test Site and was arrested with nine other tahnfso r trespassing on military lands.They are still conducting nuclear tests in the desert ours was an act of civil disobedience.But 大哥们帮忙翻一下(英译汉)就是这个I am delighted to tell you that I have recommended that your application be accepted by the University subject only to your providing evidence of funding from your parents (a necessary University asp 如果甲数是乙数的5倍,那么一树一定是甲数的五分之一这句话是否正确,理由? 英译汉,下面这句话怎么翻?Eligibility procedures and accreditationstandards for business accreditation 甲数与乙树的比是5:3如果乙数是5,甲数是____,如果甲乙两树的和是16点8,甲数是__乙数是__,^ 甲数的6/5等于乙数的4/3,甲树和乙数的比是( ) 甲数和乙数的比是2比3,乙数和丙树的比是4比5.甲数和乙数的比是多少 在三角形ABC中,AC长21厘米BC长28厘米,角C等于90度,求这个三角形的斜边AB和斜边上的高CD的长是初二的题,在下册练习册上 He draw the picture ____you.A fooled B fools C to fool D fooling 甲数是是4,乙数是5.甲数是乙数的百分之几 甲数是乙数的4/5,则乙数是甲数的百分之几 英译汉.The silt(泥沙)that had been disturbed by the boy began to once more settle on the bottom of the pool.When you are fighting with life's troubles and have forgotten who you are,remember to stop for a while.Then the surface(表面)of the poo 已知A(4,0),B(0,4),从点P(2,0)射出的光线经直线AB反向后再射到直线OB上,最后竟直线OB反射后又回到P点,则光线所经过的路程是 是能写的比现在能搜索到的更简洁明白一些 Which of the following university is not in Britain?Which of the following university is not in Britain?A.Oxford University.B.Harvard University; C.CambridgeUniversity.D.London University.这几个中选哪一个? Which of the following university is not in Britain?A.Oxford University.B.Harvard University; C.CambridgeUniversity.D.London University. 1.贝贝家的客厅是一个长方形,按原计划选用边长是4dm的方砖250块.如果改用边长5dm的方砖来铺需多少块 2.从价格方面考虑,选择哪种地砖较合适?地砖:4*412.8元/块铺每平方米手工费13元地砖 贝贝家的客厅是一个长方形,按原计划选用边长是4dm的方砖250块.如果改用边长5dm的方砖来铺需多少块 用比还有一题.贝贝为了测量一块铁块的体积,她先用量杯量出600ml水注入一圆柱形容器中, 杂然而前陈者,太守晏也的意思 The Neoclassical Period的概念是什么?怎么解释文学中The Neoclassical Period? 浮云游子意,( ) 浮云游子意,下一句 浮云游子意的下一句道是无晴却有晴的前一句 浮云游子意,下一句是 中国十五大城市 cad中,已知一个圆及一圆外固定直线,如何将一个固定线段两端分别移动到圆弧和直线上,并且这个线段和直线直线长度未定