
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 04:50:33
简单的阅读理解.英语 英语简单阅读题.单选 Postadres -------Bezoekadres ------Hoofdvestiging -----前面两个有什么不同吗? 舍不得用英语咋说 那个小男孩迷路了 用英语怎么说 “一个迷路的男孩”用英语怎么说 翻译:我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭.他迷路了,是我帮他找到了爸爸. 我发现一个迷路的小孩在街角哭,用英语怎么说 要用微笑来隐藏悲伤的英文怎么翻译 那个男人后悔的哭了用英语怎么说 俄字怎么组词 重零英语学起 该买些什么书来看 看些什么视频合适 波兰 仙台 丹麦 德国 俄国 安徒生 肖邦 托尔斯泰 普希金 契诃夫 选出不同类的一个词,有两组词哦 俄怎么组词 Many children have nowhere _______?请说明原因,A to go B to go to many do have children tents the how )连词成句 并附中文 爱哭的男人好吗 病人 的英语怎么说 HOW many children do they have 翻译 Who looks after thei son 帮我推荐一个北京学英语不错的地方吧, They were happy last night.(划线部分提问:happy) 北京有哪些学英语的地方啊..朝阳区的..要比较正规的...好一点的...除了EF我是大一的。想学好英语。有些应考成分吧 three workers (were fired )last week because they were caught sleeping on the job为什么不用被动式? All of the workers in the factory are very happy because they get out of the red at last.怎么翻译 They were (c---) and cheering,because ther were too happy在括号里填一个C开头的单词.急! 翻译 They were busy last weekend but happy. 在表演历史剧《林肯竞选总统》,林肯的台词是 英语翻译再加一个“她丈夫十年前去世了,撇下她和两个孩子”的英文翻译…………第一个:___ _____,Yaoming missed all the games of 09-10 season.第二个:Her husband died ten years ago,______her with tow children to 林肯竞选总统的过程 She has moved to her new house since last week.请She has moved to her new house since last week.请问moved前面为什么加has 英语翻译:I moved to a new house_____many trees_____it. 1.he got a new television last week 2.he bought a house last year请问这个两个句子 got和bought可以互换吗?这个两个单词都是买的意思,在使用的时候有什么区别呢?