
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/25 11:45:04
today,this morning,this afternoon,today,this morning,this afternoon,this evening The__flowers were all that remainedA.two yellow littleB.little two yellowc.yellow tow littled.tow little yellow选哪一个啊?我怎么觉得都一样大啊~ write an article of 200 words on something that if i were a tree/flower 怎么给拼音注音啊? “夹”有哪些读音 “夹岸数百步”的“夹”字怎么翻译 春秋三传指,和最后的是什么梁传?读什么?什么意思?同哪个字?该用哪个字? 左传和什么合称春秋三传? 表示愿望实现:Your wish is to____ A.change B.break C.leave D.win you shouldn't leave kids at home alone.(改为被动语态)--kids?at home alone.并说明为什么 You can't leave the boy __.He is too young to stay alone at home.Ahimself B by himself C to him D by himCD排除掉我知道,AD两项请分析一下, 他穿上猴子服装扮成美猴王.he_________a monkey costume and _____monkey king. my mother w___in a bank,she loves her work 关于monkey的英语作文80字左右 My mother did not work outside the home until later in life的意思是什么 I think it would start a()habit if you copy my homework.A.good B.bad C.well let's go to school by bus .同义句.我认为是let's take a bus to school .和 let's go to school in a bus .但是答案中第二个同义句中用的是on a bus .不理解. Let's go to the science museum by bus的同义句 let's to go to the park by bus.哪里有错 Why not leave home a little earlier?改为同义句 -Why___leave home a little earlier?-Ok.A.aren't you B.do you C.don't you D.aren you应该怎么选? I sit in _________ front of the classroom(A) the(B) /并说明理由 why don't you _____ home a little later A leave B to leave C leaces D leaving i sit in the front of the classroom()i can hear clearly是填SO还是SO THAT,为什么? Why do they sit the back of the classroom?短文:Look!There are some students siting in the classroom .They are reading books.The boy on the left side is Jim .The girl behind him is Sue.Alice is the shortest in the class.She sits in the first row.W Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris I arrived at the station ____.A.five minutes too late B.five minutes too laterC.too late for five minutes D.five minutes later on 英文诗歌表演我们要表演的是 世界上最远的距离 采用的是十个段落,最后结束句是飞鸟与鱼的那个版本主要是想问问看有没有什么新颖或者独特的点子,能让我们表演的比较吸引人啊 .比如整 推荐一首用于表演的英文诗歌用于表演 男女两人朗诵 要求对白要么煽情恶心 要么搞笑 带有严重表演性词汇尽量简单易懂的 朗诵时间为两分钟左右 five minutes before the last bus left,we arrived at the stationA.There were;to go B.With;to go C.It was;left D.It had;left Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus.The bus for Paris would not leave untiTom arrived at the busstation quite early for Paris bus.The bus for Paris would not leave until fiveto twelve.He saw a lot of people waiting in the station ( )《not》 break the vase.