
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 23:18:07
地理生物补考要没原来考得好按哪个分我报的高中俩就能上,交了补考钱,考得没原来好咋办 按要求改写句子 1.I'm going to _visit City Park_(划线部份提问)2.There are _twenty_boys in our class.(划线部份提问)3.Our school is nice,but your school is nicer.(用than连接句子)用所给动词的适当形式填空1.please_ I am going to take the shirt on the right.(划线提问)( )( )are you going to take?疑问词用which 问一下grow、let、know、的第三人称单数,及let、know、freeze的现在进行时态, 天文学家是科学家吗 科学家和天文学家是学文还是学理出身的 how will you go to shenzhen next friday?we'll take ----train there A a B an C the eat为什么现在进行时不双写?为什么,他不也是重闭音节吗? eat的现在进行时 At first,they hated each other,but they---- ---- ---- ----(最后成了夫妻) They ___each other at first sight ,and they ____each other ever snice用 fall in love with 和be in love with . ____(fast) you walk,____(soon) you will reach there I will go there (soon)对括号提问用how soon还是when? 几道找规律的题 1,7,17,33,57,90,( ).A.123 B.133 C.142 D.1473,5,7,8,9,( ).A.10 B.11 C.12 D.131/4,1/3,1,5,( ).A.9 B.10 C.15 D.36 (1) 0 ,1 ,3 ,8 ,21 ,( ) ,144(2) 0 ,1 ,4 ,15 ,56 ,( ) 找规律,回答 they hated each other,but they ended up ____ (be) good friends. They first met each other ten years ago and they __good friends ever since.A had been B have made C had made D have remained为什么? 找规律 how long will you()there A.go to B.be C.lived ```(急啊```,谢拉)观察下列单项式:-x,3x2,-5x3,7x4 ,-9x5 ……(1)写出第K个单项式:_______________(2)写出第2001个单项式:____________(以上题目中x后的数字,如2、3、4、5,均为此单项式的次数) There are fifty-six students in our class.Twenty-eight will join in the party.(同义句)_____ _____ _____ _____ in our class will join in the party. 写出带“而”字的成语5个 用我给的字写出五条四字成语.(不能用另外的字)一、一、十、十、百、百、千、千、万、万、发、中、山、水、家、户、丝、毫、全、美. 文艺复兴时期英国的医学家、思想家、科学家,德国的天文学家,波兰的天文学家都有谁? They argued with each other at school today的同义句 They argued with each other at school today.同义句they ()()()at school today 写景作文,优美500字以上 在一次活动课上,老师带领同学们去测量一条两岸平行的河流的宽度在一次数学活动课上,老师带领同学们去测一条两岸平行的河流的宽度.如图所示,在河岸的一边有两棵相距80米的数C、D,某同 争当热爱祖国 理想远大的好少年ji 1.争当热爱祖国、理想远大的好少年 欧洲人的英文?