
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 11:47:31
用子组词 “子”组词 子字组词有哪些 仔字组三个词 为什么灯的开关一开所有的插坐就没电开关是从最近的插坐引的线 初一英语句型转换同义句 开关没开,插灯泡那个螺丝座有电吗 初一英语句型题.同义句1.How heavy is an elephant?2.Shenzhen is very beautiful in spring.3.The cactus is the same age as my grandpa.4.Tom hurried back hone after school.5.Peter is one of mr.Jenkins' friends. 电灯开关一开2.3插怎么接我买了个一开2.3插的开关,就那种上面是一个开关,下面是2.3孔的插座.开关盒里现在有一根电源线,一根灯线还有两根是往楼上和客厅的电源线.请问这个怎么接法啊. 可不可以在近一点 英文翻译 A problem about EnglishThe boys______ green shirts are fans of Guo'an teamA.in B with C from只知道in可以加颜色表穿什么颜色的衣服可是这道题到底用什么呢? The problem about English?What‘s the mean of “No way am I going to sit there”? About English problems.SOS!( ) Japan is ___the east of China.A.in B.of C.on D.to( )We found _____ti sleep.A.diffcult to get B.is diffcult getting C.it diffcult to get D.that diffcult to get( )This kind of computer looks _______and sells____in the sho English physics problem about forces(simple!)A force F1 acts on an object O and this same force F1 forms a Newton's third law pairwith a second force,F2.State 2ways in which they are similar and 2 ways in which they differ. Compare utilization and move work from one place to another,啥意思 帮我把这个句子 翻译成英文.“我的雅思需要达到多少分才能申请预科?”“我的雅思成绩需要达到多少分才能申请预科?”英文 口语中的表达 不需要太过于书面化.还有谁能告诉我一些 见英 i want it that way这首歌表达了什么感情?虽然直白的英文翻译是很简单,但是没办法理解意境~ I rent a car to travel Quanzhou ..这句话对吗? she felt t( ) and wanted to stop wakking. Don't ( ) your keys in the classroom when you go home.A forgetB bringC leaveD take Mrs Smith's face is_____.she lookat Jack and says,"I'm very sorry,Jack and I take back back my word 杜甫各个时期写的诗有什么共同的情感?不管是壮年还是经历丧乱的,比如《望岳》和《春望》这些,有什么共同的情感吗? 如果平时在家做兼职翻译(笔译)中译英和英译中价格多少合适? 铁离子能氧化亚铁离子吗 many boys 和many a boy 的区别 Struming my pain with his fingers,touch my heart with his words.是哪首歌的歌词? largest pain in my life. My life I trade it for your pain的意思My life I trade it for your pain 是什么意思?翻译一下还有深入的意思麻烦说下.. All his life ___ had been his fate to be busy with things without any hobbies to kill time.A.it B.heC.that D.whichit 在这里做什么~其他几项也分析分析吧~ 34.-Let me help you,Tom!-Thank you.I can do it.Here’s __________ to hold all these things.A.a big enough case B.an enough big case C.a case enough big D.a case big enough Tom what help if doesn't me 连词成句 要翻译 I often see that man in the street.我经常在街上看到那个男的 / 我经常看到那个男的在街上.这句英文翻译成这两句中文都可以吗?如果不可以,请你们给我举例说明,应该怎么讲;thank you very much.