
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 10:55:51
甜菜肉质贮藏根液泡中的花青素使块根呈红色,将此根切成小块,放入蒸馏水中,水的颜色无明显变化;若先用盐酸处理此根,在放入蒸馏水中,则水被染成红色,原因是A.盐酸破坏了细胞壁B.盐酸破 狼体内有a种蛋白质,兔体内有b种蛋白质,狼捕食兔子后,狼体内的一个细胞中含有的蛋白质种类最可能是( )A.少于a B.a+b C.a D.多于a 在人体中,由A.T.C三中碱基参与构成的核苷酸有() A.8种 B.4种 C.5种 D.6种 请教一道生物选择题在一次医疗事故中,医生错误的将B型血输入A型血的病人体内,造成病人的上肢静脉内出现了大量的红细胞聚集团.这些红细胞团最有可能堵塞病人( )A.脑部毛细血管 B. 水族箱内,食物链中含能量最多的是( )A.水蚤 B.小鱼 C.藻类 D.细菌 一道生物选择题,主要是理由!原始生命分别形成原始的藻类和原始的单细胞动物,主要是由于( )不同A生殖方式 B营养方式 C生活环境 D营养物质 据说给鸭子吃了一定量的化学药剂后,鸭子就能下红心蛋了.这种药剂可能是A.碘液 B.斐林试剂C.苏丹IIID苏丹IV 将雌性动物的早期胚胎,或者通过体外受精及其他方式得到的胚胎,移植到同种的、生理状态相同的其他雌性动物体内.一下说法不正确的是…………( )A.这里说的同“种”,指的是同一“物种 空腹喝牛奶营养价值低,原因是被人体吸收的氨基酸主要作用是-------------------( C )A.合成糖类和脂肪      B.直接合成新的蛋白质 C.氧化分解释放能量 D.合成脂肪 生物选择题(说明理由)人类的血友病同人类的红绿色盲一样是一种伴性遗传病,控制这种病的基因是隐性的,位于X染色体上.问患者的性别情况是( ) A.男性患者多于女性患者 B.全部是女性 C.女 生物选择题(请说明下理由)下列能发生性状分离并能判断显隐性性状的杂交组合是:A.红花*红花——红花B.红花*红花——红花、白花C.白花*白花——白花D.红花*白花——红花、白花 早在10世纪,我国就有医生观察到某些患轻微病症的天花病人,只在脸部等部位出现较少的天花痘外,没有其他的症状.于是他就将这种天花病人康复时所结的痘痂干燥消毒后碾成粉,并将这种粉吹 金鱼是重要的观赏鱼,品种众多,可观赏的形状多种多样.金鱼培育专家培育的珍贵品种——“蓝剑”,其性染色体组成为XYY.下列有关金鱼的说法错误的是( )A.金鱼能与野生鲫鱼杂交,并产生可 My uncle is in his sixties;----------------A he is still teaching,though B though he is still teachingC he,though,is still teaching D he ,is ,though ,sitll teachingThat is a -----------written story A truly beautifully B ture ,beautifully Ctrue beaut ()2.John goes to school ________ his friends’car.A.by B.inC.at D.on()3.---- May I speak to Mary?---- ________A.yes,I'mMary.B.Yes,you can speak.C.Speaking.D.Who are you?()6.There are many hills in the country.A train usually goes________ tunnels.A.a He is leaving for Shanghai( )three days.【A.after B.before C.in My dream is ______ a famous person.A.to meetingB.meetC.metD.to meet 一道英语选择题,求答案及选择的理由I’m sorry I can’t go to the concert with you.But________________.A.thanks a lotB.thank you very muchC.thank you all the same D.thank you,too The first thing she did ________up to her teacher and thank her for all her help.A.to go B.had gone C.was go D.was going 1.Intellect is to the mind____sight is to the body.(a)a.what b.which c.that d.like请问这句话是什么意思,为什么选a?a充当了什么成分?2.The factory has turned out____.(c)a.twice TV sets this year more than last yearb.TV sets this year I think that you have made so rapid ____in math>A.a progress B.progress C.progresses D.progressed They are_____(考虑)buying new house(填空) What if ____________ back?A.he come B.he comes C.does he come D.he dose come he knows nothing__he was finished his research worka.about whatb.as for howc.as to howd.for howthe animal with the bitggset head__its body is the anta.in relation tob.in connection toc.in terms ofd.in the cause oftom's father ,as well as his mother,_ 几道英语选择题(要原因)1.This is the bag ____ my mother bought yesterday.A.that B.who C.whom D.this2.The man ___lives next to us is my English taecher.A.whom B.which C.who D./3.The girl ____ you saw in the street is MaryA.that B.whose C.whic 1.tom told his son to have his shoes (shined).2.mr.black had us (write)reports all afternoon.为什么第2个不用written3.i'd rather you (B)anything about it for the time being.A.do B.didn't do C.don't do D.did4.As long as you (A) the book by sunda 1.Life becomes possible when food is converted into energy and the energy in turn seek more food to grow and survive.(解词:convert转换)A.used to B.use C.is used to D.is accustomed to2.Remember to after using the computer.A.close down B.switch o where is my football,Mum?Isn't it______the door?A.in B.behing C.at the back of D.in the center of为什么这样选 一道英语冠词的选择题,拜托各位了,还有麻烦告诉我为什么i cannot remember the exat day,but i knew it was ( )sunday,because all the people were at ( )churchthe,thea,不填不填,athe,不填 要告诉我为什么...1、It takes ages ________.A.for doing the shopping B.to do the shopping C.does the shopping 最好的演讲与口才与人沟通能力怎么提高 怎样才能提高自己的演讲与口才表达能力呢? 古文司马光好学三朝名臣言行录的主旨的句子是社么